Separation Agreements

Separation Agreements

Our panel of carefully selected Specialist Solicitors are always here to support and assist when needed.

What are Separation Agreements?

Separation Agreements, whether for married or unmarried individuals, assist in organising finances and responsibilities during a separation.

Our panel of specialist solicitors can assist to create personalised agreements to protect individual interests.

Any agreement might set out:

  • Child maintenance payments, potentially covered in the separation agreement, allowing for adjustments and contributions beyond Child Maintenance Service calculations
  • Determination of children's living arrangements and contact management, including the inclusion of a parenting plan
  • Agreements on family pets, specifying caretaking responsibilities and expense allocation
  • Family home considerations, including agreements on timing for potential sale triggered by specific events
  • Lump sum payment arrangements, detailing the amount and payment date
  • Debt management decisions, particularly for joint debts, ensuring clarity on responsibilities
  • Division of financial assets, with special attention to complex matters like pensions
  • Distribution of valuable items such as cars and furniture
  • Responsibilities for mortgage, rent, and other bill payments

Find out how our panel of Specialist Solicitors can assist you. 

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