Litigation Funding

Litigation Funding

Our panel of carefully selected Specialist Finance Brokers are always here to support and assist you, offering a whole of market service. Who at times have exclusive offers for our clients. 

What is Litigation Funding?

Litigation funding, also known as third party funding or litigation finance, is where a third party with no prior connection to the litigation agrees to finance all or part of the legal costs of the litigation.

They will In return take a fee payable from the proceeds recovered by the funded litigant.

Funding where you will be able to take or defend legal action, costs an awful lot money, and can be least in the thousands if not up to the hundreds of thousands, in some cases.

This type of litigation can often be fought in the county court or above and requires experienced and capable legal representation to be able to defend or bring against somebody else. Which usually means that you’d need at least a barrister in order to successfully bring about or defend a claim.

With funding and finance in place, will give you peace of mind, knowing you won't need to fund all the costs.

Find out how our panel of Specialist Finance Brokers can assist to find the right deal for you.

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