Second Charge Bridging Loans

Second Charge Bridging Loans

Our panel of carefully selected Specialist Finance Brokers are always here to support and assist you, offering a whole of market service. Who at times have exclusive offers for our clients. 

What are Second Charge Bridging Loans?

Second Charge Bridging Loans are where you raise finance on an asset that already has a mortgage or other type of first charge on it.

Typically, these types of loans are used as bridging finance to raise capital quickly in the event of unforeseen costs. With loans like this they are usually designed to be lent over shorter periods of time so usually come with higher interest rates.

In the event of payment problems, the company providing the finance will be able to take charge of the asset that you have offered as security. Which in most cases for developers this will be the property that they are building or developing.

Find out how our panel of Specialist Finance Brokers can assist to find the right deal for you.

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