Letter Before Action

Letter Before Action

Our panel of carefully selected Debt Recovery Specialists and Solicitors are always here to support and assist when needed.

What is a Letter Before Action?

A Letter Before Action (LBA) is a crucial component of the legal process, particularly in matters related to debt recovery. This formal communication serves as a pre-legal action step, providing an opportunity for the parties involved to resolve the matter before escalating it to the courts.

This type of action serves as a pre-legal action communication, warning the debtor of the intention to take legal action if the outstanding debt is not paid within a specified period, typically 14 days.

The LBA outlines the details of the debt, including the amount owed, and provides a final opportunity for the debtor to settle the debt before legal proceedings commence.

Whether you wish to send an LBA or have received one, there is support and advise with the following:

  • Purpose of the letter
  • Legal Requirements
  • Content of the letter
  • Timeframe for Responses
  • Enclosures and attachments of the letter
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Considerations
  • Legal Costs and Interest
  • Consequences of Ignoring  

Find out how our panel of Debt Recovery Specialists and Solicitors can assist you start the process of claiming back what is rightfully yours.

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