British Citizenship - Children

British Citizenship - Children

Our panel of carefully selected Specialist Immigration Solicitors are here to assist you with full support for your british citizenship for children application.

What is British Citizenship for Children?

British Citizenship for Children is where legitimated children are entitled to registration as a British Citizen under section 3(5) of the British Nationality Act 1981. If they were born outside the UK. at the time of their birth and had a parent who was a British Citizen by descent. they are under the age of 18 when the application is made.

To register as a British citizen, a child has to make an application to the Home Office.

Our specialist solicitors can advise on the following:

  • Includes an initial meeting in person or via Teams/Zoom
  • Assessment of merits assessed
  • Full advice given throughout the process
  • Submit appropriate full application based on clients individual circumstances

Find out how our panel of Specialist Immigration Solicitors can assist you.

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