Title Split Bridge

Title Split Bridge

Our panel of carefully selected Specialist Finance Brokers are always here to support and assist you, offering a whole of market service. Who at times have exclusive offers for our clients. 

What is a Title Split Bridge?

A Title Split Bridge is typically used for Residential, Semi Commercial and Commercial properties. Where you are looking to split a one title freehold property and split units into individual leasholds.

The idea behind this strategy is that by splitting the title, you increase the value of the property as a whole.

For this type of finance, our specialist finance brokers could look to get you up to 100% of the purchase price and 70% of the title split on market value.Further, they can then assist with finding the right mortgage for you once all has been completed.

Find out how our panel of Specialist Finance Brokers can assist to find the right deal for you.

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