Large Bridging Loans
Our panel of carefully selected Specialist Finance Brokers are always here to support and assist you, offering a whole of market service. Who at times have exclusive offers for our clients.
What are Large Bridging Loans?
Large Bridging Loans are typically used by property developers that are working on largescale projects and need quick access to financing and large amounts of capital in order to start, continue or finish a development project.
This type of loans are designed to be quick, hassle-free finance loans that are to cover for a short-term period. As an example, clients will typical use a bridging loan to cover the period in between buying property or land and selling previous developments and property. This could be a period of a few weeks, a month through to 12 or 18 months.
Find out how our panel of Specialist Finance Brokers can assist to find the right deal for you.
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