Angel Investors

Angel Investors

We have direct access and also working alongside our Specialist Finance Brokers to investors from the UK and Internationally. Who are looking to invest in companies and other options.

What are Angel Investors?

Angel Investors invest their own money in a small business in exchange for a minority stake. Which is agreed from the outset.

With Angel investors they tend to be entrepreneurs or people with extensive experience in the business world.

These type of investors are typically high-net-worth individuals. Who invest their personal funds to fuel the growth and development of promising entrepreneurs and innovative business ideas.

Angel investors will in most cases look to offer support

  • Assessing Your Readiness
  • Building Your Investment Strategy.
  • Networking and Building Relationships.
  • Conducting Due Diligence
  • Negotiating Investment Terms
  • Post-Investment Involvement
  • Exiting Investments

Find out how we can find the right Investor and Investment for you. 

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