In Country Indefinite Leave to Remain and Settlement Applications

In Country Indefinite Leave to Remain and Settlement Applications

Our panel of carefully selected Specialist Immigration Solicitors are here to assist you with full support for your in country indefinite leave to remain/settlement application.

What is a In-Country Indefinite Leave to Remain and Settlement Application?

Indefinite leave to remain is how you settle in the UK. It's also called 'settlement'. It gives you the right to live, work and study here for as long as you like, and apply for benefits if you're eligible. You can use it to apply for British citizenship.

Our panel of specialist solicitors offer the following:

  • Includes an initial meeting in person or via Teams/Zoom
  • Full assessment of your case regard to eligibility
  • Advise as to what application can made on the individuals circumstances
  • Submit full application on your behalf

Find out how our panel of Specialist Immigration Solicitors can assist you.

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