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What is a Trademark?

Trademark is a type of intellectual property that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one business from those of others. It can be a name, logo, slogan, design, or a combination of these, and it's used to build brand recognition and protect a company's reputation in the marketplace.

A registered trademark gives its owner the exclusive right to use it for the goods or services it's registered for, and allows the owner to take legal action against anyone using it without permission. Trademarks are registered with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), and once registered, they are protected for 10 years, with the option to renew indefinitely.

For example, the Nike "swoosh" logo is a well-known trademark that signifies the brand and protects its products from being confused with those of competitors.

Key points about trademarks in the UK include:

  • They must be distinctive (not generic or descriptive of the goods/services).
  • They cannot be misleading or resemble other existing trademarks.
  • They help build brand identity and trust with consumers.

Unregistered trademarks can also have protection under passing off laws, but it is harder to enforce rights without registration.

Find out how our panel of Specialist Solicitors can assist you.

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